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Bələdiyyəyə sözüm var
Sabail Belediye
     Babayev Haji Mirza,
     Sosial humanitar daimi komissiyasının sədridir və eyni zamanda bələdiyyə üzvüdür..

Was born in city Baki in 1948 year. My father was a military doctor, mother was a teacher. After graduating high school (1966-1974), I started to work from establishment on vessels “X?z?rneftdonanmas?” on a post of a mechanic. In 1974 year not coming off manufacture, I graduated the High Odessa Engineering Sea School on a specialty the mechanic. After returning from army in 1974-1975 years I worked on the speciality on a post mechanics on vessels “ X?z?rneftqazdonanmas ? ”. From 1978 year I was appointed to the post of the first assistant to the captain on the test vessel "V.Dubinin" belonging to the Baku school of Sea Ways. In 1980-
1989years I worked as the instructor in party committee of the Caspian Sea Shipping company. Since1989 till 1997 I conducted activity as the deputy chief on political affairs, then educational affairs in the Baku School of Sea Ways Since 1997 I am the main teacher in the Azerbaijan State Sea Academy. I'm non-party. I'm married. In 1987 and 1990 I was elected by the deputy in Soviet of People's Deputies on area 26 Baku Commissioners (area Sabail).
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